VBTrain.Net Documentation

Members (Graphical Button and Web Graphical Button)

Graphical Button overview, Web Graphical Button overview

Public Constructors

public constructor Constructor Initializes a new instance of the Graphical Button or Web Graphical Button class.

Public Properties

public propertyEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction.
public propertyImageDisabled Gets or sets the image to use when the Enabled property is False.
public propertyImageDown Gets or sets the image to use when user clicks on the button.
public propertyImageOver Gets or sets the image to use when user moves the mouse over the button.
public propertyImagesFolder (Graphical Button [File]) Gets or sets the common directory for external image files.
public propertyImageUp Gets or sets the image to use in the default state of the button.
public propertyLocalApplicationPath (Graphical Button) Gets or sets a base path for various image files during design time.
public propertyTransparentColor (Graphical Button) Gets or sets the transparent (chromakey) color for the button's images.

See Also

Graphical Button Class | Web Graphical Button Class